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The Way Of Guitar Presents:

The Way Of Guitar Concert & Onstage Succuss Start To Finish

You’re Ready! Let’s Hit The Stage!

Don’t remain in the large % of guitarists that never experience the awesome feeling of playing live!

What a shame!

Let me tell you from personal experience,

There’s no better feeling than playing on stage with musicians who love it as much as you do.

So much fun! So much energy!

And the cheering from the crowd makes all the hard work worth it!

Check out this cool shot from one of our shows 😊


There’s a lot of work that goes into setting up a show.

But don’t you worry, I got it all under control.

Because I want you to get the chance to experience that awesome feeling with me!

Playing Live…

…So, why do most people that play guitar never do the one thing that (even if they don’t admit it out loud) deep inside they always wanted?

Yes, it’s true,

The time and effort to put together a group, schedule rehearsals, practice, organize, lead the group, book shows, etc., is enough to stop some from pursuing the stage.

But what about the rest?


You see most people falsely believe they have to be as good as their favorite guitar player to play on stage.

Or they fear that they’re going to make mistakes.


Maybe you will make a few mistakes.

Who cares…

If you let the fear of a few mistakes STOP you from doing one of the coolest things in the world,


And That’s What You Should Fear Most!

Because mistakes are a normal part of playing and not just while you practice but especially in live shows.

The problem is,

Our hyper self-critical minds think that even one mistake is too many.

Then we let anger and shame take over!

But we must deal with the reality that we’ll never be perfect.

Otherwise, your progress and passion will be frozen in place.

Don’t be like this guy!

And hey, for what it’s worth, the mistakes that we make, the average listener doesn’t even pick up on.

So, relax…

Everything is going to be totally cool man…

Because with my help you don’t have to be a world class player to play live music. You don’t even have to be an intermediate player.

I help students from kids to adults, some that have had only done 3 months of lessons to then train and play on stage 3 months after that.

Take a looksie…

Pretty cool right!

Here’s how it works:

  1. You sign up for my On-Stage Success Training class that you do every week leading up to the concert.
  1. You get teamed up with fellow students that you train with (plus this means you don’t have to play on stage by yourself). This takes a TON of pressure off you!
  1. You get to suggest and help pick the song that will be voted on by the group to perform.
  1. We assign or create a part for you to play in that song based on your current playing ability. This way you can’t fail!
  1. After you’ve had a chance to get your song up to speed your group gets teamed up with pro musicians (who are close friends of mine and have done concerts with my students in the past).
  1. In addition to all the training leading up to the concert you’ll have a few live rehearsals as well!
  1. We will make sure that you succeed! And you will.

Here’s the overview…

  • 3 months total
  • 11 On-Stage Success Prep Sessions (one hour each minimum – some may be longer)
  • 2 Rehearsals (one live band session in the lesson studio and one live onstage before the day before the show)
  • The Concert Day performance
  • 5 tickets that you’re free to give away. Plus, as many extra at $10 each that you want to sell to help raise money for a good cause
  • Professional Photos
  • Professional light shows and sound.
  • Professional musicians to back you up
  • Video footage of your performance
  • Certificate Of Completion after the show
  • And add one more check mark to your bucket list!

Here Is Why It’s So Important You Do This

Your guitar skills will improve greatly.

I credit A LOT of my skills to playing in bands. It makes you practice more than ever and teaches you so much real world playing that you can’t get anywhere else!


Performing will integrate all your skills together.

When practicing alone, things like timing, dynamics, playing through mistakes, being in tune, and other things don’t seem to matter as much. When you practice to perform, all these important skills are combined, making you a much better guitar player!


You must get out of your comfort zone to become a better guitar player.

Pushing yourself to do things out of your comfort zone is how we learn and grow. And getting used to being outside your comfort zone is a skill that will help you in all aspects of your life. To see massive progress and experience something as amazing as this will require you to do something you’re not used to.


You will regret it if you don’t.

Yep, I said it. Hey, this is going to be a blast. Yes, there will be some pressure and preparation. But whether you put on a “perfect” performance (if there is such a thing), a good one, a okay one, or a not so oaky one – you’ll leave proud that you took the chance to believe in yourself!

Still Think You Can’t Do It?

You should talk to current students like Catie O, Mike Butler, Eva Briggs, Peter Hyland, Megan L, Joel Glimpse, Kris Paolino, Joe Sojewicz, John Longtin, Mike Coppola, Jason Teeter, or Dan Ouimette most of which felt the same way before doing their very first Way Of Guitar Concert.

But I guarantee they don’t regret doing it now! (Just Ask Them)

You’ll see them and tons of past students in the videos below.

*Remember many of the students you see here have never played on stage before and many of them (not all of course) are beginners.




There are two Tuition fees to attend.

  1. Enrollment
  2. Training Classes

However, if you don’t change your current lesson package and you sign on early you save on both the Enrollment and Training Classes!

Enrolment – $248.00

With Deal:

Domination Program students pay – $224

Super Domination Program students pay – $191

Total Domination students pay – $168

Ultimate Domination students pay – $0

Training Classes – $348.00

With Deal:

Domination Program students pay – $298

Super Domination Program students pay – $254

Total Domination students pay – $224

Ultimate Domination students pay – $0

Total Cost With Discounts Are:

Domination Program students pay – $522 or 5 payments of $108 per month

Super Domination Program students pay – $445 or 5 payments of $93 per month

Total Domination students pay – $392 or 5 payments of $82 per month

Ultimate Domination students pay – $0.00

Please Note: There Are No Refunds For Any Reason and You Can’t Participate Unless You Are A Current Enrolled Student Leading Up To And At The Time Of The Concert. (Or one of my guest musicians invited to play of course 😊).

With Onstage Success Sessions…

You get to:

  • Learn how to not screw up even when the mix is wrong, a baby starts crying, or your grandma plugs her ears while you’re playing on stage!
  • A live onstage rehearsal and concert.
  • Recover from a mistake before the average person would even notice
  • Look and feel confident onstage even if you make a mistake
  • Control your playing at high volumes.
  • Dissect and learn your song inside and out so that you could play it blind if you had to
  • Navigate switching on and off amp settings and effects while playing
  • Dial in tones to suit the song and you’re playing style
  • Learn how to look on stage while playing (no you don’t have to jump up and down – unless you want too!)
  • Feel more comfortable playing in front of people
  • Trouble shoot common problems that arise on stage
  • A super cool memory!

Here’s what you should know.

You need to practice, practice, practice the song(s).

You will get sick of practicing the song…

…Still, you will continue to practice the song.

Play it walking around, lying in your bed, in the dark, on a treadmill, the couch, outside, eating dinner, while someone is poking your eye, etc…


When will the show be?

Sunday October 27th (2pm – Exact time may change)


When will the On-Stage Training Sessions start?

Saturdays Afternoons – starting the first Saturday in August running up until the concert. (Exact time will be scheduled) About 1 hour long.


What if I miss some of the Training Sessions?

You don’t have to come to every training session.  I recommend trying to only miss a couple if you must though.

So, come to as many as possible, but if you miss a few, no need to freak out. Just keep practicing!


When are the rehearsals?

One at the lesson studio is – In October (TBA)

The one on stage at the Auburn Public Theater is – Saturday October 26th at 2pm. The day before the show.


When do I need to sign up by?

July 15th! If you delay, you will have to pay the full Enrollment and Training Fee!​

Even with the extra fee you can’t sign up any later than July 31st.


What gear do I need?

Just your guitar (set up and intonated) and a tuner. I’ll let you know if you need anything else.

Contact Me ASAP To Let Me Know You Want In!
We will then set up your payment to reserve your spot in the show!